How to get a spotting permit in Roissy Charles de Gaulle & Le Bourget ?
In order to allow these amateur photographers to exercise their leisure on the Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris le Bourget platforms and to associate them with airport security, a declaration procedure has been put in place.
A nominative card is issued to the applicant by the services of the Deputy Prefect for the Paris Charles de Gaulle and Paris Le Bourget airports. It must be presented at every police check of the Border Police Department or military personnel as part of the VIGIPIRATE plan.
This card is mandatory for each spotting sessions.
The card, valid for 3 years renewable, contains the following points:
- an individual number,
- the name, surname, place and date of birth of the person authorized to photograph,
- his home address and his photo,
- Rules to follow when you are spotting
What are the documents requested for the issuance of the card ?
- a copy of yout current identity card or passport.
- a photograph in legal format for administrative documents (4.5 cm high and 3.5 cm wide).
- Your email adress and and your postal adress.
How long to get it ? 30 days.
How to get it ?
You have to send an email to with all the documents requested.
Contact details :
Service du préfet délégué pour la sécurité et la sûreté des plates-formes aéroportuaires de Paris Charles de Gaulle et Paris Le Bourget A l’attention du Commandant de police Xavier HUBY
1, rue de la Haye
CS 10977- 95733 Roissy-Charles-De-Gaulle
Phone number : 01 74 37 77 16
What's for Orly Airport ?
You don't have to get a permit for Orly Airport.